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[癌登第104002號通知文] 因應今(104)年癌症登記實務作業之需求,請 貴院依說明段辦理 – 台灣癌症登記中心

[癌登第104002號通知文] 因應今(104)年癌症登記實務作業之需求,請 貴院依說明段辦理



有關結直腸癌Intramucosal tumors「性態碼」編碼,說明如下:

  • 根據美國SEER MP/H manual terms and definitions for colon第30頁http://seer.cancer.gov/tools/mphrules/mphrules_definitions.pdf提及:Intramucosal tumors may be noninvasive or invasive. The term intramucosal may refer to the surface epithelium, the basement membrane, or the lamina propria且Invasive tumors indicate a tumor that penetrates the basement membrane and invades the lamina propria.
  • 另依據美國SEER program coding and staging manual第88頁 http://seer.cancer.gov/manuals/2015/SPCSM_2015_maindoc.pdf提及:Synonyms for in situ: Stage 0 (except Paget’s disease (8540/3) of breast and colon or rectal tumors confined to the lamina propria).
  • 綜合上述與諮詢SEER QA與台灣病理專家後歸納:
    結直腸intramucosal包括surface epithelium, the basement membrane, or the lamina propria此三者,當癌細胞侵犯至lamina propria時,雖AJCC應編碼為Tis (Stage 0),但可視為侵襲癌(性態碼編碼3)。換句話說,若癌細胞侵犯至lamina propria時,僅視為原位癌(性態碼編碼2)。
  • 若病理報告上出現以下描述:
    “Tubular adenoma with intramucosal adenocarcinoma (pTis)”
    Intramucosal adenocarcinoma arising from tubulovillous adenoma, pTis”
    “Mixed hyperplastic adenomatous polyp with several foci of intramucosal adenocarcinoma, pTis”
    Intramucosal adenocarcinoma

    請務必確核病歷上或詢問團隊共識或請病理醫師註明intramucosal adenocarcinoma是否侵犯至lamina propria,若有才可申報性態碼為3

三、 新增修100年9月5日國健癌字第1000302045號書函,有關癌症登記肝癌
(C22.0)個案申報Barcelona-Clinic Liver Cancer(BCLC)期別之摘錄規則如下:

定義 2010診斷年
Tumor Features Child-Pugh Score Performance Status Test
Stage 0 0 Single <= 2 cm

Carcinoma in situ

Child-Pugh A 0
Stage A A Single <= 5 cm or

3 nodulars <= 3 cm

Child-Pugh A-B 0
Stage B B Single > 5 cm or


Child-Pugh A-B 0
Stage C C Portal invasion
N1, M1
Child-Pugh A-B 1-2
Stage D D Any Child-Pugh C 3-4



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