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AJCC第七版勘誤表,請長表醫院下載修正 – 台灣癌症登記中心


提供AJCC第七版勘誤表,請長表醫院下載後一併修正  貴院AJCC手冊,線上勘誤程式將以新勘誤表作修訂。

errataforms2010          erratainstructions2010          erratamanual2010          erratahandbook2010


Since the publication of the 7th edition of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, a few minor staging clarifications were warranted as shown in Table 1. However, please be assured that the content of the 7th edition, as published in October 2009, is sound and accurate. The clarifications are listed below in ascending frequency of diagnosis.

Table 1:

Ch Publication/Page Chapter Name Section Change
41 Manual – p.457, 461
Handbook – p.525, 534
Prostate Anatomic Stage/Prognostic Groups For Stage IIA, for T2a N0 M0 PSA<20 the Gleason score should be 7 (not ≤ 7)
Add T2a N0 M0 PSA≥10<20 Gleason ≤ 6
42 Manual – p.469, 472
Handbook – p.539, 544
Testis Anatomic Stage/Prognostic Groups Serum tumor markers used in staging should all be measured post-orchiectomy
33 Manual – p.380
Handbook – p.465
Vulva Regional Lymph Nodes (N) In the regional lymph node definitions (yellow box) revise N1a to “One or two lymph node metastases”
30 Manual – p.315, 319
Handbook – p.378, 384
Merkel Cell Carcinoma Anatomic Stage/Prognostic Groups In the shaded stage group box, for Stage IIIB add cN1

Additionally, after the publication of 7th edition a validation of the ICD-O-3 site/type labels was performed by staff from the National Cancer Data Base and Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) to support cancer surveillance activities. As a result topography and histology codes were updated. These codes are used primarily by cancer registry staff and not clinicians. The updated codes are reflected in Table 2 below:

Table 2:

Ch Publication Chapter Name Topography & Histology Codes
5 Manual – p.57
Handbook – p.81
Larynx Delete C32.3
Clarify C32.8, C32.9 – stage by location of tumor bulk or epicenter
9 Manual – p.97
Handbook – p.123
Mucosal Melanoma of the Head and Neck Change 8020-8090 to 8720-8790
10 Manual – p.104
Handbook – p.130
Esophagus and Esophagogastric Junction Add 8247-8248
11 Manual – p.118
Handbook – p.146
Stomach Add 8247-8248
12 Manual – p.127
Handbook – p.153
Small Intestine Add 8247-8248
14 Manual – p.144
Handbook – p.174
Colon and Rectum Add 8247-8248
16 Manual – p.175
Handbook – p.219
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Replace C48.1 with C48.0, C48.2-C48.8
Replace C17.4 with C17.8
17 Manual – p.181 Neuroendocrine Tumors Add C18.0, C18.2-C18.9
33 Manual – p.379
Handbook – p.463
Vulva Change 8276 to 8576
37 Manual – p.419
Handbook – p.493
Ovary and Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma Revise to 8000-8576, 8590-8671, 8930-9110 (C56.9 only)
8000-8576, 8590-8671, 8930-8934, 8940-9110 (C48.1-C48.8 only)
53 Manual – p.569
Handbook – p.631
Carcinoma of the Lacrimal Gland Change 8982 to 8981
54 Manual – p.577
Handbook – p.637
Sarcoma of the Orbit Revise to 8800-8936, 8940-9136, 9141-9508, 9520-9582

(source : http://www.cancerstaging.org/products/errata.html)

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